Monday, April 16, 2012


Yeah, I know this is April 16, not 15.  I just wanted to post about my Mom.  It was her BD yesterday although she has been gone for almost 25 years.  She was only 58 and died of breast cancer.  She had a radical, got it all, but never really recovered.  Her right arm and hand were constantly swollen because of drainage problems relating to the removeal of lymph nodes. 

Sadly, the cancer spread.  The last six months + of her life, she was bedridden because there was a tumor on her spine, move the wrong way and it could have snapped her spinal chord.  The final months the pain was so bad she was on morphine 24/7. 

I am thankful that my brother was able to live with her and help take care of her during that time although she did have 24 hour nursing care.  I lived in NC, way too far away.

She was a good Mom, did the best she could and was so proud of her grandchildren. 

So, the years have vanished, almost overnight it seems. 

Both of my parents died in their fifties.  I have outlived them both because I will soon be 64. 

Thankful to still be alive, breathing, working, more.

You never know how long your life will be or how short it will be.  Life truly is like a vapor, vanishing away.


1 comment:

Donald Fishgrab said...

Isn't it wonderful how God has blessed? Though we may have tough times, we are still able to go on.