Friday, June 18, 2010


It's baaaaackkk....yep my new old Samsung digital camera has been returned once again. It's working, for how long, who knows, it is a mystery. Now I have two cameras. I'm keeping them both.

It's been a full, busy day but now, we are all resting. The GRAND baby is in bed for the night. We are watching Transformers on TV because we cannot remember it all, must have been a real impressive movie to not remember it.

Tomorrow is The Hubbie's 63 Happy Birthday. He has to work. I will freshen up the house after the rest of the family has departed. It's been fun.

Happy Birthday to our oldest Son, our Daughter in law and The Hubbie, all of our June birthdays. Thankful they are having birthdays and thankful we can celebrate a little bit together.

Life is good.

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