Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Hello Everyone!  It is Tuesday again in Dixie so it is time for a money saving tip.
The tip has to do with laundry. 
If you or your Hubbie wear jeans, then you know how heavy they are when wet.  You also know how long they take to dry in the dryer!  The longer the cycle, the more electricity, the higher the power bill at the end of the day.
This is the hint:
Never put wet jeans into the dryer. 
Take the pair out, hang on the back of a chair, water proof of course, or hang on a hanger making sure the waist is around the hanger, opening the inside to the jeans.  Dry over night.  The next day, the jeans should be dry or close to being completely dry. 
BUT also very stiff.
Take the jeans put them in the dryer now with a dryer sheet for about 10 minutes or so, longer if needed.
The jeans will come out soft and ready to wear.
Easy and less money to the local power company!  After all, it is YOUR money!
Stay warm.  Cold weather is on it's way.

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