Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Not all plans are plan A plans, life does have plan B.

Today, on Facebook, a friend announced that she is expecting a baby, ho hum, you think, so what is plan B about that statement?

She married her childhood sweetheart, they lost a baby, years of infertility, went the route of adoption. The baby was a boy, nope, surprise, a little girl, a beautiful little girl, adopted at birth from Texas.

Now, plan B, a baby on the way, about six weeks with a due date in October, a wonderful time of the year.

Life is full of twists and turns but to who? God? No, just us humans. HE knows all along.

Here is her blog....http://www.considerjoy.blogspot.com/

Congrats Joy, Chris, Ellie and ____! Praying, excited, happy for you all.

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