Saturday, September 16, 2017


The last two days have been drowned in my tears.  

Late this afternoon, I was alone and literally cried out to God....WHY?!  

If this is right, why does it feel so wrong?

People try to console me by telling me about people they have lost.  

You expect to loose grandparents, parents, possibly siblings but you never, ever expect to loose your child.

So, there is no comparison.  I have started saying that back to people.  How much harder it is.  It takes some back a bit.  I can tell by their reaction.

Why should I 'take it' when they have no clue what they are talking about with this?

ONLY another mother who has lost a child comes close to understanding.  

I have a friend that lost her mother a few years ago.  She has been compassionate and patient.  I appreciate it/her!

So, I just try to make it to night time and finishing just this day.  

It's called coping.

He was a big Titians Fan.  This is the family at a special day a few years ago.  Yes, that is the owner with the grands.  

Remembering the good times helps with the sting of your loss.



Donald Fishgrab said...

Aren't you glad you have those good memories to soften the pain?

Carol said...

The memories help, yes.