Friday, June 6, 2014


I think I copied this from Pinterest but not sure.  Like The Hubbie says, I've slept since then. 
Sitting here wondering how it can be done w/o the hose.  Acutally, the flowers and watering pot can be added to a grapevine wreathe.
I saw a wreathe that was entirely made of flip flops.  Maybe I can find a pic of one.  I thought it was too much money so I improvised one of my own. 
This one should be able to made cheaper than buying a hose, flowers, ribbone, vine, and watering can.  It will be similar but not exactlly.  Can we say pool noodle?
I'll sleep on it.....uhoh.



Dinahsoar said...

Oh my gosh--this is adorable. Love it!!

Carol said...

Glad you like it. Thought you might.