Thursday, June 12, 2014


Well, Summer has arrived in Dixie.  Thankfully, we are having lots of rain so the temps are not that high, yet.  The ground, however, is very soggy.  Which means, we don't have to mow the grass!  Yahoo.  There is something good about every situation.
We have been on vacation already.  Our daughter and husband took us to Hilton Head SC.  It was so nice.  We stayed in a resort, an all inclusive one, I might add.  It was similar to being on a cruise.  Everything you needed was right there.  We did go off the property, of course.  There were many places to eat and things to see. 
I could live at the beach.
So, we're back and Summer is here.  The schools are out.  The local pool is open.  The traffic is busy in town.  WM is busy all day.
I find myself slipping into staying up too late and sleeping too late.  I am a night owl, have been all my life, it is a constant battle.  Mornings arriving about 9 are good with me.  A bedtime of 2 is not so good.  Yawn.
Now, what to do with myself during this time of the year.  
Donating some of our junk is a good thing happening now.  I find that you can get about the same dollar amount taken off of your taxes for items that you might sell online.  I'm donating in an effort to get the garage park-able.  Why keep the stuff?  It just weights us down looking at it. 
The plan is also to change a few things in the house.  A new bedspread has been ordered.  May or may not like it.  The Hubbie doesn't know it yet but we are moving furniture.  Translation, he is moving furniture.  For years, I did it, alone.  No more.  He doesn't allow it so I'm good.
Also considering joining a gym.  A few pounds are gone but this marshmallow state of body is zero fun.  A Mrs. Universe I'll never be but a bit of toning would help.
Motivation is the key it seems.  At 65, why sit and wait for death?!  There's still some living to do!

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