Friday, February 17, 2012


It is Friday already, again, still, always. Read on the Internet that a Prince was buried in an avalanche, he is alive but still in danger, you never know what a day will bring.

I slept late because the back was cramping from sitting on a church pew too long so I took one, not two, night time pain relievers and hit the hay about midnight. Today we, me and the old back, are better.

Sitting here, blogging, I've decided it's going to be a no day, meaning, no, I'm not doing anything I don't want to do today, no. I probably will, of course, but mentally it's a no day. No, you cannot have a no day if you have kiddos at home, no you cannot have a no day if you work today. No days are for oldies that can put everything off till a yes day, meaning tomorrow, or Monday, or whenever. :)

Have a nice weekend everyone!


Dinahsoar said...

YAY for 'no days'. I like them. One of the perks of being an old lady. Enjoy.

Carol said...

Yeah, me, too, but I ended up doing
laundry, dishes, bed, supper, so not much me time but still enjoyed no big to do day!!!!