The State of Alabama has suffered terrible loss of life in the recent breakout of storms with tornadoes. As of today, the count is 334 have perished.
The damage to property is in the billions, some residents will never recover.
We are thankful our county did not have anything other than bad storms.
We are fine. Our house is fine. We also now have power, including Internet and phone.
It's been a nightmare for many and will continue to be so.
My heart goes out to those who have lost everything. We have 5 dead in my county. Two of the people were a husband and wife who moved here from FL to get away from the hurricanes. They both died together. Made me think of Bruce and Margie. Life is short. Best we enjoy the good while we can.
Praise the Lord, he protected so many. I fear these things are God trying to attract peoples attention. A spokesman o TV implied it is just what we should expect as a result of Global warming. I wonder if Global warming caused the ones in 1925 and 1932 as well?
There are many sad stories across the South. Life is short, so true.
Dfish - I think they call it climate change now. Anything to keep from admiting they are wrong.
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