Friday, April 15, 2011


It's been raining in Dixie all day. It's a slow, constant, occassionally heavey, rain. It looks like flowers are swelling, ready to pop open their blooms just today.

It's been a slow day with little accomplished other than rest, ahhhhhh.

Today would have been my Mother's 81st BD. She passed away from breast cancer that spread through her skeletal system. She was on morphine the last six month of her life. She was 58 years old.

When you loose your parents, you loose the past....
When you loose your mate, you loose the present....
When you loose a child, you loose the future.......

Cancer is a terrible disease. Maybe, someday, there will be a cure.


Donald Fishgrab said...

Hopefully all the tornadoes missed your area.

Praise god, cancer won't be a problem in heaven.

Carol said...

Yes, no twisters on our mountain. PTL. Makes heaven seem sweeter.