Please notice the link posted on Tuesday, too. It's a great blog that I am following.
The tip is this, do you shop Target? I do, not as much as I would like because it is in the near by town, which I go to once a week. I try to keep it at once a week because gasoline is continuing to go up.
Target has a great ongoing deal. It's the end caps on the backside of the aisle. Usually, there is one end cap display of clearance items for each department. It varies, of course, on the season, what is being reduced, etc. I have shopped these end caps for years and years. We are originally from Texas, where Targets are quite common, wonderful, the whole nine yards.
On these end caps, I find all kinds of good deals. My motto for a deal is buy it ONLY IF you cannot make it cheaper. This is what I found a few weeks ago. It is a stretch couch cover. It fits perfectly over our pink and burgundy couch that is now in the black, white, taupe, gray bedroom. We were able to get a new couch and lounger so we moved the pink one to the master bedroom. I love it being in there even though it takes up room.

This deal was originally $94.99 American dollars, plus tax. It was on the bottom shelf with several other colors. The price was ONLY $23.74 American dollars, plus tax. Hallelujah! I could not buy the fabric for that price! I scooped it up with the idea that I could bring it back. I'm keeping it. It's washable, too!
I love saving money and getting what we need cheap! Try shopping the Target endcaps but don't buy everything because I'll be looking, too. ;)
I love M'Boro it was, not. Robin uses a slip cover on her sofa in the living room...right now it has a red cover and I love it...I think she said she got it at Target for a song....I plan to buy a sofa that can use an off the shelf cover. I noticed there was usually stuff on the end caps at Target marked down..didn't know it was routinely so..will check the ends each time I'm there now.
I never shop Target because I always thought it was too expensive..more for double income starbucks types, lol, but I will swing by there and give it a whirl. Thanks for pointer :)
Yes, Tami, take a look. You may find a goodie or two. Somethings are more than I would pay but some are real bargins, too. Their customer service is so much better than that other place!!!! The big W.
What a great find! I can't believe the good deal you got. I am sure you were thrilled it!
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