Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Today is a quiet day at the house in the small town. So, I'm thinking about how blessed I am, we are, in America.

Here is part of my list, not in any necessary order of importance.

My hubbie - what a wonderful man he is, hardworking, honest, man who loves God.
My family - 3 kiddos, all healthy, all love God, all go to church, 2 are college graduates +++, the young is working on it, not giving up.
My married into our family kiddos - both have only added to my joy.
My GRAND baby - he makes life worth living and is going to be a big brother, be still my heart.
My church - it is now a place where love, joy, peace, exists. If you go to a church that doesn't have these things, well, may be time to find another church.
My country - in spite of it's present problems, still I am proud to be an American.

There are things that I have now, things that many assume they will have simply because they want them, that I never thought I would have.

Here is part of my list, not in any necessary order of importance.

A brick home, with a garage, paid in full.
A laptop.
A desktop, although it is over 6 years old, it's still going. It's an eMachine.
A little Honda with a sun roof, it's the closest thing to my 64 Corvair convertible.
A cell phone.
A brand of stick on nails that work on my fingers.
Brown hair at 62, almost 62, slowly morphing into gray but don't look in the mirror and you won't see it.
Loosing weight again, finally.
High speed Internet.
A digital camera that also takes videos that is also still at the manufacturer' much longer?

There are more 'things', too, not worth much to others, probably would not even make a profit if sold in a yard sale, but to me they are dreams come true.

Just this week, I was emailing a friend about stuff we have today that we would not have if we would have lived in past generations.

Here is part of my list, not in any necessary order of importance.

Indoor plumbing, not an outhouse.
Air conditioning in the house and in the cars.
Three phones in one house, one land line, no party lines, no rotary dial.
FAX machine.
Ready to eat food that is actually good for you.
Wash and dry clothes, permanent press is so much better than permanent iron.
Carpet on the floor.
Curtains on the windows.
Washer and dryer.
Microwave, 24 years old but still works, so I'm keeping it.
Color tv, old, too, but still works, so I'm keeping it.
Cell phone, old, too, 2001, trading it for something cheaper when the time is up.

So, life is good, not perfect, there are dips, but still good. I think I've posted a similar post on this blog but, hey, it's my blog and I do repeat myself these days. What was that?

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