This is a discovery new to me. It is the REAL phone number for the Capitol switchboard. You call the number listed below. You give your zip code plus the extra four numbers. The operator will punch in the zip code and you will be directed to your Congressional representative. You do not even need to know who it is or even how to spell their name.
I tried it today because it is overloaded on weekdays. I was directed to my representative but was given a recording saying his mailbox was full to please call back at normal business hours.
Now, is this number referring to the one calling or to the one being called?
I do not curse or let such words come out of my mouth so this is a bit embarrassing to me but try it.
You have no excuse to not call and be heard now.
It is legit.
Just catching up on all your posts...good reading! I enjoy your blog. Heading home tomorrow..won't get in until late. Haven't had much time at the computer....the dog has been an problem at all.
Will email soon....
Have a safe trip. Glad you had a good time.
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