Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday Already

It has been one year now. Novemeber 13, 2007, I was working and was injured on the job. It was at a large discount store, not Kmart, not Target, you guess. The store personnel responsible have been silent to me.

I injured my jaw, shoulder, which required surgery, my back in three places. These are the problems I am having one year later. At the beginning, there was more pain than one person could handle.

The surgery was rotator cuff repair. The muscles tore and slipped over the top of the shoulder joint. The surgery procedure was to pull the muscles down, tack together, then into the shoulder/arm bone. The pain was so intense I wanted to die.

I am not a whimp when it comes to pain. I had an emergency c-sect and was only given Tylenol 3 because I was breastfeeding my new baby. True, it was horrible but I made it.

Depression has followed. Realizing that I have permanent physical pain. I will no longer be able to do the work that I have done in the past.


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