Friday, December 4, 2015


Well, that's a switch, right?   In a round about way, it is also a money saving tip.  Saving time is money, or so some say.

I've found something that helps me keep my sanity.  It's journaling.  Yes, I know it can be done on the old smart phone, which I do.  But, I also like having a hard copy. 

It is a take off on bullet journaling.  You can google it and go from there.  I made it my own.  One way was a cheap-o ring binder.  Yes, from WM for less than a dollar.  See, money saving tip. 

One thing I do is keep it in my purse and do it all in pencil.  It is easy to erase.  Yes, of course.  If it can be erased, it saves pages used.  Maybe I will picture it.  Not sure how I would hide my details.  Maybe I should just write out a page and leave it blank. 

Thinking about it........

I am organized now and it is so much better than a bunch of  post notes.  It does indeed save the sanity.  Although I do use post notes in my journal/planner.  Finished with it, toss it.  Nice.


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