Thursday, November 6, 2014


Wednesday is grocery shopping day for me.  Yesterday, I shopped at the near by Publix.  I purchased what I saw I needed for the week and a bit beyond on some items because of their bogo items.

The total bill was $29.66 AFTER vendor coupons, Publix store coupons and my Senior Citizen discount of 5%.  The savings, aka money I did not spend, was $37.57!!  

It's been a while since this has happened.  Coupons are not what they use to be.  I think the show Extreme Coupons ruined it.  Still I read recently where over a billion dollars of coupons are still thrown away each year.  

Groceries are ridiculous in price!  Also in value for some products.  

My rant.

Still smiling.


Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Here it is Tuesday and it's been a long time since I've posted a money saving tip.  Today is the day.
As I have posted before, we no longer have a huge cell phone bill.  We were paying $80 for 3 lines with limits. 
One day, through his Dad's asking, we went on the oldest son's family plan.  It immediately started saving us money, real money.
Well, we both had stupid phones for several years. 
Now, moving into the modern world, we now have smart phones.  We purchased the phone, stayed on the son's family plan and are still paying $10 per month for both lines!  We have unlimited data, text, etc.  The plan is thru T-Mobile.  There are four lines for $100 per month.  The older son continues to pay the amount he was and we continue paying the $10 but now we ALL have up to date phones with all the bells, whistles and apps.
I love using some of the FREE apps on my new Android.  My new favorite is loseit dot com.  It is a weight losing app and it is FREE. 
I was pretty desperate about losing weight.  Health problems were happening, a trip to the cardiologist was eye opening and knee pain.
I was so desperate I was considering going to Weight Watchers even!  Yes, I am a lifer.  When I went I paid $4 per week.  When I became a lifer, it dropped down to $3 per week.  So, the current cost of $13 per class was out of my budget, way, way, out.
I download this FREE app from loseit dot com, use it every day and am now on my way back to finding me.  Saving over $600 per year in Weight Watchers dues!


Women are emotional beings.  No doubt about it.  It's part of who we are.  We cry when we're happy, when we're sad, when we're mad, when we are lonely, when we're frightened.  It's what we do.  We can do it and get away with it.  Men do not have that option.
There are days a woman feels like crying.
It's okay.
Today and any day.

Monday, November 3, 2014


It's been a bit, hasn't it?!  I made a poem.
My life continues to be busy.  Yes, I checked at the gym in hopes of joining.  Couldn't because it doesn't take cash!  Well there you go!
Lots has happened in these last months.  Too much to even blog about.  Life is a chair of bowlies.  Remember that post? 
The two GRAND girls have both turned the big 0-4.  The oldest GRAND son will be in the big 0-6 in January. 
Have yet to figure out how to raise a couple million dollars, the more the better but I could work with at least a couple.
Now it's time to decide which direction we head, this little blog and me, myself and I.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Oh yeah, it is!  Summer in Dixie can be lots of rain coming down, really fast and ending just as fast.  It's the weather we had yesterday and today. 

I am watching DVR shows by Steve Harvey.  His special guest is a 73 year old woman, white hair, weight lifter.  She has the record for various weight lifting competitions.  She just dead lifted 155 pounds of weights, not one but three consecutive times. 

The reason she does this is to inspire other Seniors to get moving.  Good for her. 

I'm going to see what the exercise room looks like at the local civic center.  Or join a new gym in the local bigger town. 

I    B    N-SPIR-ER-ED!!!

Go for it, World!


Tuesday, June 24, 2014


I cannot believe how much it costs now to eat lunch.  Around these parts, it is between $7.00 and $10.00 or more.  Insane, I say.
I found a way that is cheaper and also better for you.
I go to the local WM deli counter.  I order 4 or 5 of the spicy chicken nuggets with sesame seeds and one large spoon of broccoli salad.  Then, I swing by the cooler with the bottled ice tea and grab one.  I eat well for less than $4.00!  There are plastic spoons and forks at the deli but never napkins so I use a few from my in purse stash.
True, there are zero tables and chairs at our local WM so I head to the shoe department and enjoy the comfy ottomans while I eat.  People walk by and stare but I act like I don't see them.  I am busy with my to do list or grocery list.  Yeah, I fake it if necessary.   There appear to be store detectives scoping me out, too.  I calmly eat, reseal my empty containers, place them in the buggy and pay for them along with all of my other items.
Truthfully, it keeps me from stopping at the candy bars or the chips so handily placed at the checkouts.   I exit with a satisfied tummy and money in my pocket.
Win, win, y'all.


Friday, June 13, 2014


Does this look good?  Well, it is. 
Everything is cooked in one skillet.  I use an iron skillet because of the health advantages of cooking with iron over the Teflon coated version of a skillet
An elderly lady friend, who has since passed away, served us this one time at her house.  I asked for the recipe.  She gave it to me and we have enjoyed lots of times since then.

Hillshire Farm Smoked Sausage
1 lb sausage cut in 1/2 inch pieces, diagonally
1 large onion chopped = 1 cup
1 Tbls oil
1 box Au Gratin potatoes
2-1/2 cup hot water
1/4 tsp pepper
4 medium carrots, cut in 2" strips = 2 cups
1 10 oz package chopped frozen broccoli
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
Cook sausage and onion in oil until tender.
Stir in potatoes, carrots, water and pepper. 
Heat to boiling, reduce heat.
Cover and simmer until tender.
Stir in broccoli and cheese.
Cover and cook until broccoli is heated through and cheese melts,
5 - 10 minutes

Of course, I made variations to our taste.  Only a small bit of onion, baby carrots substitute for strips and turkey sausage is a healthy substitute.  I also put the frozen broccoli in the microwave for about a minute to defrost it a little.  This helps cut down on cooking time. 
Ever had leftovers that taste better the next day?  This is one of those recipes. 
Try it.  You might just like it.


Thursday, June 12, 2014


Well, Summer has arrived in Dixie.  Thankfully, we are having lots of rain so the temps are not that high, yet.  The ground, however, is very soggy.  Which means, we don't have to mow the grass!  Yahoo.  There is something good about every situation.
We have been on vacation already.  Our daughter and husband took us to Hilton Head SC.  It was so nice.  We stayed in a resort, an all inclusive one, I might add.  It was similar to being on a cruise.  Everything you needed was right there.  We did go off the property, of course.  There were many places to eat and things to see. 
I could live at the beach.
So, we're back and Summer is here.  The schools are out.  The local pool is open.  The traffic is busy in town.  WM is busy all day.
I find myself slipping into staying up too late and sleeping too late.  I am a night owl, have been all my life, it is a constant battle.  Mornings arriving about 9 are good with me.  A bedtime of 2 is not so good.  Yawn.
Now, what to do with myself during this time of the year.  
Donating some of our junk is a good thing happening now.  I find that you can get about the same dollar amount taken off of your taxes for items that you might sell online.  I'm donating in an effort to get the garage park-able.  Why keep the stuff?  It just weights us down looking at it. 
The plan is also to change a few things in the house.  A new bedspread has been ordered.  May or may not like it.  The Hubbie doesn't know it yet but we are moving furniture.  Translation, he is moving furniture.  For years, I did it, alone.  No more.  He doesn't allow it so I'm good.
Also considering joining a gym.  A few pounds are gone but this marshmallow state of body is zero fun.  A Mrs. Universe I'll never be but a bit of toning would help.
Motivation is the key it seems.  At 65, why sit and wait for death?!  There's still some living to do!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Yes, I know I am suppose to post something about saving money on Tuesday, but hey, that's what this blog is mostly about, saving some cash.  Plus I ran out of time on Tuesday.
Some say a picture is worth a thousand words.  So, here it is.

So you think the bottle is really empty?  May not be.  This takes some talent in the placement but it works!  There are also gadgets that can connect the two but I don't own one personally. 
Can we say duct tape or aluminum foil around the spout?  Up to you.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Friday, June 6, 2014


I think I copied this from Pinterest but not sure.  Like The Hubbie says, I've slept since then. 
Sitting here wondering how it can be done w/o the hose.  Acutally, the flowers and watering pot can be added to a grapevine wreathe.
I saw a wreathe that was entirely made of flip flops.  Maybe I can find a pic of one.  I thought it was too much money so I improvised one of my own. 
This one should be able to made cheaper than buying a hose, flowers, ribbone, vine, and watering can.  It will be similar but not exactlly.  Can we say pool noodle?
I'll sleep on it.....uhoh.


Thursday, June 5, 2014


Have I posted this before?  Don't know.  Oh well, here it is again.
Some things are not worth skimping on in order to save a buck.  Yep, I said it.
Here are a few suggestions:
A good hair cut
A nice purse that goes with everything
Quality food that keeps you healthy
Good teeth/dental care
Comfortable shoes
Medicine that makes or keeps you well

Monday, June 2, 2014


This is a picture of our youngest son, Jared, and his love, Sarah. 
Happy, happy, happy!


Thursday, May 29, 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014


Today is the day after Mother's Day.  I got money and phone calls.  How about you?  It may or may not be times to blog again.  Strange that 2014 is going by so fast!
I've discovered a few things that have interested me.  One is the PBS series, Call the Midwife.  A long time friend, TRD, connected me.  She let me watch it on Netflix.  Now I record it and watch every week.  It's a good series.  I enjoy watching it and cannot wait till the next week.
Another thing is I worked for a month for a friend who had major surgery and is now scheduled to start chemo.  I discovered that I missed working.  Yeah, me the retired couch potato.  It was challenging and fulfilling.  I am standing by to help Patsy if she needs me.  I pray that the six months will go by quickly and all will be well.
The last thing I discovered is that my to do list is growing by the week.  The garage is about half way cleaned out.  My scrapbooking is years behind schedule.  My dejunking our lives must continue.  Dejunking is freeing but it takes time.  We have lived here 16, coming up on 17 years so there is lots of stuff to post online for sale, lots of stuff to donate.  It's better but still, it's stuff. 
Our tax lady gave us the name of a website that gives tax credits for donations if you itemize your taxes.  I will research it and post what I find.
Winter is gone, Spring is at an end and Summer is around the corner.  Time marches on.  Life is good.


Monday, April 7, 2014


I'm bored blogging.

Time to take a break.


Thursday, March 27, 2014


Here is a good deal.
I had 3 coupons $.50 off, which double to $1.00.  The rice was $1.09 per bag. 
Ended up buying these three bags for only $.27.
Well, less than that cuz I get the Senior Discount at Publix but I'll just leave it at $.27.
Ta Da!!


Monday, March 24, 2014


Clicked on add a photo and all these popped up!


Friday, March 21, 2014


Why is it.....
when you're watching your calorie intake,
all you want to do is bake?

Monday, March 17, 2014




Tuesday, March 11, 2014

2014 ZOOM

Yep, it is.
Advertising and coupons dated April.....ALREADY!!!!



Monday, March 10, 2014


Well, I took the sleep aid for the second time. 
I slept from 9 PM to 11 AM.
Nope, not taking that one again!  I AM very sensitive to the stuff.
I am not a doctor so do not take any information about medications as legit or even worth trying.
Just telling you about my personal experience.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Our Little GRAND daughter, Chloe, has started tumbling classes. 
She could do this already!
Look, Ma, NO HANDS!
Yeah, she's got this one!!


Tuesday, March 4, 2014


As you know, I sometimes have trouble sleeping.  I really do not like to take sleep meds because I am sensitive to them and they over do, meaning last too long the next day.
Dinah and I have been discussing the situation.  She sent me to a place that had sleep aids really cheap.  Yep, WM. 
I have been taking, rarely, the new Vicks' Sleep Only over the counter purple pill.  For 12 pills, I think, taking two per night it costs well over $4.00 American per pack, not per pill.  I think the last I paid was $4.47.
Yesterday, I found a  brand called Quality Plus Sleep Aid, Diphenhydramine HCI 50 mg, 8 soft gels. 
The Vicks brand is 25 of the same meds but you take two of their pills.
So, take one pill of the 50 or two of the 25. 
 Do the Math. 
 It's the same thing, the same med only in one pill instead of two.
Now, you are sitting on the edge of your chair, wondering, well, how much was the off brand pill?
$.88 American, less than $1.00 for 8 pills instead of the national advertised brand of 12 pills for OVER $4.00.
You can purchase four times the meds for the same price as one of the national brand.
The cost of the off brand is about 1/4 of the national.
You do realize that you pay for all of that TV advertising, pretty color graphics in the store, the stand alone displays, the special racks, all of it is figured into the cost of a product.
Buy the off brand, pocket the difference.
Thanks, Dinah.

I found a deal!


Monday, March 3, 2014


As most of the world knows, last night there was a huge Hollywood gathering.  It is called the Oscars.  It is named that for the little golden statue that is awarded to only a handful of people in this great big world.
Did I watch?  No, never do.  I have a life.
I did skim through some of the pictures of the event on the web this morning.  The story is every where, while the world burns, I might add.
As I skimmed through the pictures I thought, wow, what a waste of time and money!
Millions upon millions of dollars on display in the form of clothes, cars, jewelry, make up and hair. 
It is suppose to be entertaining. 
I think it is a total waste.
Because these same people will rant and rave about providing for the poor, giving the government more control and how stupid the little man is in this country.
I think it's the other way around.
Plus, I've decided one thing.....there are a whole lot of UGLY people in Hollywood that don't know they're UGLY!
Rant over.
Happy Monday to the rest of the world because Hollywood is probably still hung over.

Friday, February 28, 2014


Is it Friday again, already? 
Somehow the weeks are going by faster rather than slowing down.  Crazy, isn't it?!
So, the week is over and I have just about everything done with a couple of things to do tomorrow. 
Then it will be Sunday.  There are times that weeks seem there are 2 Sundays a week.  How does that happen?
Oh well, have a great weekend every one.  It will be Monday again before you and I both realize it.
Be OPTIMISTIC.....or do the cha cha cha.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

4 AM

Interesting night.  I was awake until after 4 AM this morning.  I hate when I have a night when the brain cannot be turned off to sleep.
I have some important things on my little brain so it was a busy thinking time. 
The good thing about not sleeping one night is I will sleep the next night. 
Sleep, sleep, wonderful sleep. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


It's Tuesday, People, time for a money saving tip!
The tip for today is to set limits on everything.
If you do not have money to eat out, do not eat out.
If you do not have money to buy clothes, do not buy clothes.
If you do not have money to spend on things like cable TV, do not have cable TV.
If you do not have money and are trying to get out of debt, save for retirement, save for college, whatever, then do not spend money.
It is hard for me to understand how those that always say they do not have money carry around a
smart phone.  Yes, there are deals, yes some only have that as a phone service, I understand. 
I do understand that people can get into debt because of illness or loss of job.  I am not throwing stones.  I understand life gets rough.
So, if you are in a rough patch, buckle down, and don't spend.  Think of ways you can cut your spending. 
Here is a small hint if you like soda/Cokes, etc.  CVS has great deals on their canned drinks every week.  One week it is Pepsi products, one week it is Coke products.  This past week,  purchased four cartons of Coke products for $15.00 and received $5.00 Extra Care Bucks back to spend another time. 
Do the math.
4 cartons, 98 drinks, $.15 per can.
What do you pay individually per can?  $.99?  $1.15?
Plus some would figure to take the $5.00 off but I don't do that in my counting.  It is not off the products for that day but a future purchase.
98 drinks for .99 each totals a whopping $97.02. 
Difference being $82.02 for drinks alone. 
You can always take one from the frig with you when you head out the door.  Put one in a cold lunch sack, etc.
 Think savings galore!
Do not spend what you do not have.
Happy Tuesday!

Monday, February 24, 2014


The weekend has come and gone.  We had a fun one, this past one.
The younger son and girlfriend came down to our little town.  We ate out.  We shopped.  We laughed.
Life is good.
Even though things come into your life that you cannot control, prefer not to have, still life is good.
I've been watching a series on Netflix named Call the Midwife.  My friend TD got me hooked on it.  We forget how very good we have it in our Country.
So, when things get hard to handle, pause, pray and think Life is Good.
Because it is.

Friday, February 21, 2014



Thursday, February 20, 2014


Yes, I coupon.  No, I am not an extreme coupon-er.
I do not......
Have a stock pile bigger than a room in my house...
Go into a store and buy 900 deodorants or clear the store because they are 'free'...
Do not print off enough coupons each week that I end up having to buy a $70 printer cartridge....
Do not buy every paper on the shelf on Sunday or any other day...
Go from store to store only to use a tank of gas in the process...
There must be sanity to all of it, Dear Readers.
Today, I did get some good deals.  See the picture:

I went to two stores, Publix and Dollar Tree.  Publix was on the way to my Chiropractor in TN and the Dollar Tree is in our little town.
I was able to purchase 40 items.  The only one item that did not have a coupon was the pack of wash clothes in the front row. 
Here is the list:
lip gloss
Purell (2)
toothbrush (3)
Car Max lip care (2)
Hefty Slider bags (8)
Petridge Farm bread (2)
PowerAde (2)
Angel Soft (2)
Folgers French Vanilla Coffee (2)
A&W Root Beer (4)
All Free and Clear detergent (10)
These were BOGO, rain checks, coupons, store sale items.
I purchased 40 items for a total of $48.69 from both stores combined.
Remember I do not count tax because tax is not included on the coupons themselves.
It ended up that I paid ONLY $1.21 per item.  True some were more, some were less.  I totaled everything and divided by 40.  It's how I roll.
The reality is that 8 All detergents would total up to a cost of $47.92 at regular price.  You can say I paid for the 8 All and every thing else was free.
Either way you look at it, you get to save some cash by not spending your cash.
So, don't get so uptight  about couponing.  Just save where and how you can.
"I done good."  Someone is going to tell me.....

UPDATE ON THE BLAH BLAH BLAH POST.....if you are interested......grinning @ self.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Today's money saving tip has to do with receipts and money. 

Here is the story....on the latest trip to see our third GRAND, I asked that the oldest son make a stop so I could purchase one or two of those medical masks to wear on the plane.  There is so much sickness, I really did not want to pick up any thing on the trip.  We stopped at Walgreen's, which was on the way to the airport.
I jumped out, went inside thinking I would pick up a pack of two or three, cheap.  Nope, the only thing in stock was a 12 pack for, with tax, OVER $15.00!!  Really!  I put a box on my debit card, mumbling the entire time.  Ridiculous price, I was mumbling.
On to the airport.
I pulled out three....put in my purse...left the remaining in the box with the oldest son. 
After I was on the plane, I pulled one out, put it on my face and the smell of the paper was disgusting.  It actually smelled like throw up.  I endured. 
While on my trip, I stopped at the local WM.  You know what that stands for, Wal Mart.
I found a box of 20 for just over $2.00, plus tax.  WHAT?!  Plus no throw up smell.
I messaged the oldest son to please bring the box with him when he picked me up on the return trip.  He did but we missed the Walgreen's where the purchase was made.  We ended up a completely different one near his house.  I got out thinking oh man, is this going to be a fight?
I walked in, both GRANDS in tow.  The Manager had just finished with a customer at the extra register.  She greeted me, was very kind.  I explained the problem with the masks and the odor.  She said, do you have your receipt, yes, of course, I made myself keep it.  She scanned the receipt, scanned the box, swiped my debit card and the money was credited back to me!!
No problems, no hassle, no out the cash.  Thank you, Walgreen's!
The money saving tip that has to do with receipts and money is keep ALL receipts on items that could possibly be returned.  Groceries, drugstore items, make up, clothes, keep them.  Make a receipt box, keep all year, mark the ones that are medical for tax returns or keep them separate but keep those little slips of paper.  Plus you will have them for those rebates you forget about.
Your money is your money.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


You know when you are a senior citizen when..... run a nice hot detox bath, grab the copy of last Sunday's comics....settle into the almost too hot water......
.......and realize you've forgotten your glasses.

Monday, February 17, 2014


The Hubbie and I are both sick at the same time.  Not good but hey it happens. 
No, I don't want to post anything so here is a picture of my poor toe, which I know the world has been waiting to see.  Yes, it does look worse since this picture was snapped.
Oh well, who cares, I think I'll just whine some more and see it that helps....grin...ouch...whine.

I wonder if there is a prize for whining on the web?


Friday, February 14, 2014


Minus the booze and stuff.....cuz I'm The Mom...grin.......but seconds changed your life! 

They are in the pjs because they've been to Walmart......Love you!


Thursday, February 13, 2014


This is a good Christian blog that has taught me several things about money, handling money and new information.  Yes, I have permission to use this link.
Check it out.  Pass it along to friends and family. 
We can all use information about our money these days!
This is a money saving tip for my readers. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Okay, I'm back from a week at our Daughter's home.  I miss them already!  Sniffle.
I am the clumsiest person I know!  Why you ask in wonderment?  Well here is the low down.....
The oldest son picked me up at the airport yesterday.  I spent the night at their house.  This morning I left to come home because the weather was suppose to be getting worse up there. 
As you know, I hate ice on roads!  Terrified is more like it.  But, I drove home anyway.  The right lane was the driest because all of the big trucks were using it.  There were four ahead of me, all traveling at a decent speed and all well within stopping distance of each other, if you know what I mean.  This is rare because big trucks tailgate each other on a daily basis!  Dumb!
So, I dropped in behind the last truck, many, many,  feet behind it in case I needed to stop.  I followed them through the mountains.  Alabama is flatter for the most part so I was not as fearful of sliding off of a mountain!  The lanes were damper though so when I hit the TN River bridge, I put on my flashers and slowed down!
Okay, made it home.  So thankful!
Unloading the car, after removing my shoes and putting on my slippers, of course. 
What did I do?  I stumped my big toe, left foot on the brick stair coming into the laundry room!  Ouch!  The entire nail split in half cross ways.  It immediately turned blue from the blood collecting!  Yes this nail is soon to be history. 
Not only did I fall almost four months ago and am possibly dealing with yet another torn rotator cuff on my left shoulder, but now my big toe is throbbing!  Remember that I fell in 2007 and had surgery on my right shoulder!!!!!
Whine, whine, whine!
Go back and read the title of this post.
Yep, that's me.
Should I post a pic of the toe? 

Monday, February 3, 2014


Well, what do you know?  Another Super Bowl has come and gone.  Did it bother me?  No.  Did I watch it even though The Hubbie recorded it?  No.  Is it a waste of my time?  Yes.  Is it too much of people worship?  Yes.
I am at the age that I pretty much do what I want to do when I want to do it.  I also do not do what I do not want to do.  Tongue tied?
Millions of dollars spent on a football game that apparently, from what I can tell on Facebook today and yesterday, was a total bomb, flop.
Life is too short and money is too little to waste on something like a football game.  No way would I consider it Super either.
My opinion is it's just a bunch of blah blah blah.
Nuff said.

Too much said....remove foot from mouth.  To some it is really Super.
Other than that.....HAPPY MONDAY EVERYONE!


I realize that I am not a fan, I am a woman, I do not get very interested in any kind of sport.  So, I digress.

Some, mostly manly mans, love the game.  If you do, hooray.  IF you go to games, including the Super Bowl, hooray.  I was on my soapbox again, a bit too much.

I do not have much testosterone.

Enjoy if it is for you.

Friday, January 31, 2014


This necklace is our daughter's.  My mother bought it for her when she was two.  Now, her daughter wears it.  Precious.


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


The post said the driver was texting.  The phone was found in his hand.  His head was found in the back seat.
One picture is worth a million nagging blog posts.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Parts of Dixie are frozen and shut down.  So far, our part is still fine with just a dusting of snow but very cold temps.  We are all trying to stay warm and safe. 
A friend posted this on Facebook so I sent it to a couple of my friends and just had to post it on my little blog.  Enjoy.
My electric blanket is calling my name. 


Friday, January 24, 2014


It's finally Friday.  It's been a long week.
I am ready for the weekend!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014


I lived in Texas several times growing up.  I love that state and claim it as my own.  I love the cowboy boots, the jeans, the hats, all of it.
Texas did the right thing this week.  They executed an animal that has been kept alive for years.  This animal shot a young police officer three times in the neck and head and then ran after the car crashed.
He deserved what he got. 
RIP for the officer.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


This is a lesson to be learned that will improve your life.
When you go into a salon for a haircut or a trim and shape up, ALWAYS take a picture of the style you want.  It can be out of a magazine or an actual picture of yourself with the way you have been wearing your hair.  The key word is ALWAYS.
I found a new stylist who did a great job on my hair last time.  It was the best haircut I've ever had in my life!  So, when I drove by the salon, noticed there were no cars in front, I decided to go in as a walk in, which this salon advertises that it does. 
Long story short, I explained how I wanted my hair.  She agreed, so I thought.  But, I left the place with what I would term as a shag.  Instead of being longer, one length except textured for body, I have layers all over my head with thinning on the ends. 
My hair is thin enough already!!
It took me several years to get over a haircut like this.  Now, I am going to have to grow it out again.  I should have taken the time to come to the house, retrieve the picture and drive back to the salon.  
I should have known she was not paying attention when she turned my back to the over sized mirror on the wall.  I will go back to her this summer when I go in for a very short style to be able to handle the hot weather here in Dixie but still I don't like what I'm wearing now.
Live and learn.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Hello Everyone!  It is Tuesday again in Dixie so it is time for a money saving tip.
The tip has to do with laundry. 
If you or your Hubbie wear jeans, then you know how heavy they are when wet.  You also know how long they take to dry in the dryer!  The longer the cycle, the more electricity, the higher the power bill at the end of the day.
This is the hint:
Never put wet jeans into the dryer. 
Take the pair out, hang on the back of a chair, water proof of course, or hang on a hanger making sure the waist is around the hanger, opening the inside to the jeans.  Dry over night.  The next day, the jeans should be dry or close to being completely dry. 
BUT also very stiff.
Take the jeans put them in the dryer now with a dryer sheet for about 10 minutes or so, longer if needed.
The jeans will come out soft and ready to wear.
Easy and less money to the local power company!  After all, it is YOUR money!
Stay warm.  Cold weather is on it's way.

Monday, January 20, 2014


Our local church has been without a pastor for going on six months. 
Yesterday was the first official candidate. 
Now, we, the body, will pray about the decision with a vote slated for two weeks.
It's pretty exciting. 
Change is coming.

Friday, January 17, 2014


The youngest son has a new relationship.  Her name is Sarah.  She is sweet and beautiful.  Tada.

The best surprises come when you least expect them or are even planning for them!
Yeah, God does that!

Thursday, January 16, 2014


It is the middle of winter.  However, in Dixie, the sun is out, bright and warm.  The temperature is only in the twenties so this picture can be deceiving.
Some get discouraged during the winter months so here are a few thoughts to may be lift your spirits and I don't mean the kind in a bottle.
Regret can control and cripple you.
Your past does not define you.
Don't doubt God's goodness.
Remember this:
A valley has a beginning but it also has an end.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


The tip for today is something that may make you go.....yuck.  Some may already do it.
Wear your clothes twice before washing.
Yeah, yuck. 
I have found that rarely are my clothes too dirty, sweaty, or stained that I cannot wear them the again within the next day or two.
Now, all bets are off if you are living in Dixie and it is hot outside!   Those days, you step outside and you can burst into sweat.  Wash your clothes before wearing them on those days, People.  Get serious.  No one likes to smell stinky.
Remember that the beginning goal in our quest to cut back our living expenses was to cut everything by 50%. 
So, if you are careful, your clothes are clean, you can wear them twice, cutting back laundry cost, time, duty, wear by half.
Things I do NOT wear twice:
sweaty clothes
clothes with food spots on them
clothes that have been rained on
Pretty easy plus gives you more time to blog.  Grin

Friday, January 10, 2014


One thing about being retired, aka, not working, aka, unemployed  is keeping up with what day it is.
Yesterday was Thursday, my self proclaimed fun day of the week.  I do something fun say for instance shopping.  I will show you my haul in the future.  Why Thursday?  Zero traffic, empty stores, no waiting, etc.
Today is Friday.  What are my plans? 
Sleep late....check....all that fun on Thursday made this girl tired.
Drive thru Hardees....check....the biscuit was terrible this morning. 
Go to the laundry mat.....ugh.....on my way there.  The older son and his family were sick over Christmas so I have several huge black garbage bags of laundry to do.  My little zoom zoom is packed. 
Well, blogging is not getting it done. 
I'm out of here.
Tip for's Friday today.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Looks like hell froze over this week. 
 Hell, Michigan.
We are on a 30 year cycle of cold, hot, cold.  It is totally normal as long as man has been keeping records. 
First it was global warming.  When the ice caps kept getting larger, rather than melting, the words were changed to climate change.
Dear Reader, the climate changes at least four times a year.  It is called winter, spring, summer and fall.
In Dixie, this could happen in one day.
Don't believe the lies people are telling.  Including Al Gore. 
Poor Al.  He is the saddest person I can think of.  Nothing is good for him.  Nothing.  Poor guy.  He's a whiner and a pouter.  Poor Pouter Al. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Temps are setting record lows in Dixie.  Too cold to go outside for this woman!  So, you know it's cold!
Today is Tuesday, time for another money saving tip.  Simply put, here it is:

Too many times we limit our finances, our lives, our attitudes, you name it, by limiting our creativity.  We think, oh, I can't do that for blah blah blah reason.  But, you can!  Nothing life threatening of course, but creativity is a great way to come up with new ideas to save money.
Dinah, makes her own greeting cards.  This is a great idea!  Paying $4.99 for a card is ridiculous.  Plus she has fun doing it!
Sunny, another friend, knits and crochets beautiful projects that would cost big bucks if purchased from a store!
Roy, a long time friend and retired IBMer, keeps track of all his spending as well as income, yep, every penny.  He knows where it goes and for what.  Amazing.
The Hubbie and I follow Dave Ramsey.  We made it our own but it's a great option.  God and Grandma handling money.  It changed our lives for the better.
Then lastly, my piggy bank stash.  Several years ago I bought a porcelain piggy bank from WM, on clearance for $3.  It sits on the table nearest the door coming in from the garage.  When I spend a dollar, I always give an extra buck instead of using coins.  The coins go in the bank.  When the bank is full, I take it to my bank, use the counting machine and that is my spending money for the month.  It works.  (you've read this before, I know...)
I am rethinking this plan.  The bank changes 4% to use their counting machine.  I may go back to rolling my own and saving that money.  Think 4% per month, over a year is close to $40.00 American!!!
So, get creative.  Think outside the box.  Have fun.  Life is too short.
Be smart like Albert.

Monday, January 6, 2014


Winter is alive and well in Dixie.  Apparently around much of the rest of the country, too!  So much for global warming, a sham, I might add.
If you are stuck inside with time to read a good blog, check this one out:
It is well written and explains the entire Bible chapter by chapter by chapter.
God Bless You All!

Friday, January 3, 2014


Today is our only GRAND son's number five Happy Birthday!


Thursday, January 2, 2014


Today was a good day. 

I was eating my Hardee's biscuit, listening to the radio station, in my little zoom zoom.  The host was talking about a new law in Alabama pertaining to driver's license.  I pulled mine out and checked it.


Mine had expired on 12-10-2013.  I called The Hubbie.  He has a CDL so his expires in March.  I headed across the street to get my new one.  Although my hair was not fixed, only pulled back in a pony tail.  No matter, I had a mission.  I was wearing my outside slippers, too.  No matter, I had a mission.  The license was obtained.

I heard the weather was taking a turn for the worse this week.  So I decided to get as much of my errands done as possible.

One of the errands was to pick up a box of Total for The Hubbie.  A problem arose.  There were only two boxes left, on the very top shelf, pushed all the way back on the very top shelf.  Could I reach it with my 5 foot 5 inch body?  No way. 

I headed down the aisle looking for a WM employee, which are all invisible when you need one. 

I went back down the cereal aisle and spotted a young black man.

He was thin, dressed all in black, with one of those wraps on his head, a beard and was a bit threatening.

However, I was not deterred. 
I asked....Sir, will you help me? 
He said.....Yes, what do you need?
I said.....I need someone tall with muscles.
He said....I can help!
I said....I need a box of that Total cereal.  Will you please get it for me?
He said.....Of course I will. 

He reached up, pulled the box down, handed it to me.

I thanked him, then gave him a side body hug, my arm around his waist.  He smelled like cigarettes, was a bit scary but he made my day.

He hugged be back around my shoulder.

He said.....No problem, any time.....anything else? but thank you!

  He slapped his hands and walked away with a bit of a spring in his step.

It takes little effort to make another human being feel good about themselves.  A few kind words, a big thank you and action to prove you accept them as a person.

You never know who will cross your path.  Not all appearances are evil.  They only look that way.

Thank you to the young man today!   You helped me and I hope I helped you.
