Wednesday, December 4, 2013


I shop at a near by Publix on Wednesday.  Why?  Because I get the senior, aka old lady discount.  Today was interesting.
As I was standing in the check out line, I noticed the Mentos had a tag BOGO free.  I also had a $.40 off coupon.  The cashier scanned it and it showed full price.  I was watching the register so caught it. 
She stopped what she was doing, stepped out into her aisle to look at the offer.
It was from last week.
Bummer, I thought.
She then proceeded to scan the item, delete the cost, delete the coupon and the double coupon, rescanned it as a free item PLUS the coupon at a double price!
So I left the store with the Mentos for free and an additional $.80 off my grocery total!  Someone forgot to pull the tags on the checkout lanes from the sales price last week.  Still Publix honored it!
My total for shopping today with store deals, coupons, the freebie, the old lady discount was $16.75.  The total saved, aka not spent was $17.06.
Ding, ding, win, win!
When I made it to the house, I called about a medical lab bill that I am not responsible for paying.  It is for over $200.00!!!  I was told to disregard that there is a problem with the coding.
So, the moral of this story/post is watch it and never pay for what you do not owe even if it's just on a bottle of Mentos.

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