Yesterday, the church that we attend, turned 141 years old. It was started before the town we live in was established. It was in a small log cabin by two men who wanted children of the area to learn about Jesus.
I was thinking about this yesterday. It was started after the crops were in, I'm sure. Back then, everyone worked, young and old. There were no streets, only a dirt farm road to the log cabin. Now, the dirt road is paved, has the new elementary, as well as new high school, built on it.
Recently, our pastor of nine years, resigned, moved from the area and left us in a bit of a bind. Now, the process of finding a new pastor is in motion. There have been many pastors over 141 years.
As a wife of a man that was in full time ministry for 30 years or so, we have been under several pastors. This of course, is shaping my perception of what a new pastor should be.
I, personally, am desiring a new pastor to be kind, tender hearted and does not slap his people in the face with Scripture. I do not want him to use a hammer over the women in the congregation. I do not want some man that insists on women wearing dresses only. I don't want a man who works his staff to the end and then spits them out. I do not want a man that is full of pride, self centered and has an ego the size of a mountain. He puts himself first in every thing and makes the church think he is doing for others. There is always an alter reason and it is to make him better off financially.
I wonder what God thinks about it all? These opinions are mine. A woman with an opinion about lots of things, including how a pastor should treat his people. Yep, I do.
Choosing a pastor is such a critical decision for a church, yet most churches have little idea how it should be done. I am presently working on a book to help churches make a scriptural choice.
You are right! Another church we attended chose the next pastor according to what the old pastor said. The old pastor actually chose him. The church split wide open. Just about everyone left. The building and the name are the same but that's all that is there from the former ministry.
Personally, the leaving pastor should not have a say. He's leaving.
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