Things that are bad and good about keeping the thermostat at 62....
Cold toilet seats....
Lower power bills!!
Sleeping in sweats...
Hot Showers!!
Hot when entering a norm temp building.....
Sleep better!!
Save money on doc visits and meds?.....
Fewer sinus problems!!
Using a stack of blankets....
Widows do not steam up!!
Toes freeze...must add slippers...
Wearing two pairs of socks is fun!!
Shivering till The Hubbie brings me another cover....
Not spending money on something we never see!!
Saving the Earth....?....ha!
Refreshing to walk into a cool house!!
Washing everything in cold water.....
In Alaska, this is summer!!
I'd rather go to Hawaii....
We laugh about how cold our noses are!!
Watching tv all snuggled up is our new hobby....
How many layers does it take to warm up the old bod?
We are learning......
Pumping it up to 63 helps!!
It does, really, it does....
We pump it up to a normal temp when the GRANDS come!!
Back down when they go....
It is so worth it!!!!
Yeah, I just said that.....
Isn't it amazing how much it reduces the bill though? A lot of times a small electric heater can raise a rooms temperature enough to be comfortable withourt adding significantly to the bill, especially if you are not using all the standard electrical billing. Electrical companies normally charge for a certain minimum whether you use it all or not. The bill will not be increased unless you exceed that amount.
Good idea! I would love a fireplace but this house did not come with one.
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