Wednesday, October 19, 2011


What are the best words in life? So many, I think. Here are a few that come to mind:

I believe.
I Love You
Will you marry me?
I do.
It's a boy.
I'm getting an early out!
You are in remission.
Consider yourself cured.
It's a girl!
You've made goal.
You've been approved.
The stick is blue.
It's a boy!
Let's go to the beach.
I'm graduating.
I'm engaged.
We're expecting....grandma.
It's a boy.
It's a girl.
Grandma, I luv you.
We're debt free.
We can do this retirment thing.
We're adopting...from China!

How about you? Any to add? What are special words in your life?

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