Tuesday, June 21, 2011


The money saving tip for today is this:

Check out the website of your favorite eatting out places, fast food, sit down, etc. If they have a birthday club, sign up for it. If they send out an email with coupons, sign up. You will receive offers for free or discounted meals all year and a special treat on your birthday. Free food!

Tonight The Hubbie and I ate out on a BD coupon at the nearby Ihop. He received it for his BD. When we arrived, the hostess said it was not required to purchase the item advertised but he could get anything up to $7.59 if he preferred.

He preferred.

So, we both ate out, after his BD discount, for just over $7.00, which means we ate a nice meal for approximately $3.50 each.

Money in our pocket and no dishes to wash!

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