Monday, April 12, 2010


What to blog about on this beautiful Monday in Dixie is the question.

Life is good. It's about to change yet again, a bit scary. It seems we are going backwards but who knows, not me. The Hubbie's job is changing. We shall see. Still, life is good. (I am very excited about another possible change, more to come!!)

I'm wondering why, at this age, life is going by so very fast? I'm certainly not very busy, compared to past seasons. I go to bed when I want, get up when I want. Time escapes me, strange, very strange. Would a schedule help? Maybe, put on the list to consider.

The GRAND baby had tubes put in both ears last Friday. I went up to 'help' on Saturday and back Sunday evening. He is recovering but seems to still be in pain. Well, hello, he had both ear drums cut and tubes put in, of course he is in pain.

I took the night shift, hoping to give Daddy and Mommy some much needed sleep. He was in obvious pain, pulling at his little ears in his sleep. I hunted down the baby Tylenol and a big blanket. He settled down when it kicked in and he was warm enough. He slept 4 hours, woke up for a bottle, dry diaper and more Tylenol, went back to sleep and slept till 7:30.

Daddy said keep him awake while they went to church. I did, it was fun but he was exhausted at lunch time. He slept, total, over two hours, in the afternoon. He woke up, stood up in his bed. I was packing to come home but did not want him to wake up Mommy and Daddy so took him out of his crib. He went back to sleep on my shoulder and slept an additional hour. Mommy and Daddy had a good nap, too. We had to wake them up! They were so tired.

So, I had a good weekend. I love being around the GRAND baby. He's such a sweetie.

Today I go to the Chiro for more therapy, which seems to be helping, yep, a post is coming about the whole experience. Isn't that what a blog is for?

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