Thursday, December 17, 2009

Blog World

The blog world is very big. It covers all kinds of subjects. There are recipe blogs. There are wedding blogs. There are blogs about families and kids. I like skipping through the blog world.

Something I have found about the blog world is the ever increasing number of infertility blogs. Some can tear your heart out. As I go through these blogs, read the sadness and the joy when conception happens, I wonder why there are so many.

Sure, growing up we all knew of at least one woman who had no children. She was a rare one. In the old days, most women had children, most women had several children.

Why is there so much infertility in this generation? Have birth control methods caused problems that are unknown? Is it the birth control pill that their mother took that caused the infertility in so many young women yearning for a baby?
Is it because there is so much information and so many ways to hear about other women dealing with it? I have no explanation. I do have a sad heart when I read of their struggle.

If you see a infertility blog and can leave a comment, please do. Any kind words when you are going through the darkness of uncertainty, would help, even from a stranger.

What would you do if it was you?

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