This post was suppose to be for yesterday. It's later than I thought I would be up today since I have been 'dragging' all day.
It was a weird day. First of all, my cell phone alarm did not go off! I over slept and ran late getting ready for church services this morning. I arrived and the AM service had been switched with Sunday School.
The pastor was preaching, after a few minutes, the invitation was given and then we were sent to our Sunday School classes. The power was out so the AM service was held first, by candlelight, then when the power came on, the people could go to their classrooms.
Since SS was last, we were dismissed at 11:50! We went to a nice restaurant for a sit down lunch! We beat the crowds. The food was delicious and homemade. Normally, I drive thru KFC, pick up some grilled meals and drive back home. The Hubbie has his suit off, gym shorts on and waiting in his chair for the meal, we eat, and he sleeps while I am usually on the computer.
Then this afternoon, our youngest Son took most of his stuff back to his college town. He will be sharing an apartment with a long time friend in an effort to save money since living on campus is so very expensive. His room has been packed with stuff and is now about half empty. I hope he can find a job since his summer job is ending.
The weather was nice, only about 71 this morning and very comfortable for the first of August summer time in the South.
So, it was a good day but weird. I wonder if the week will be a weird week?
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