Spring Hill, Tn.....police officer....going above and beyond.
Citizen ran out of gas.
Officer coming to her aid.
Gas can in hand.
Thank you, Sir.
Time to shift gears, move forward, take life out of park...a blog for Empty Nesters, Stay @ Home Moms, Dads, Folks...living, breathing, trying to save money, enjoying life...time to change the focus keep the slippers...welcome one and all.
Spring Hill, Tn.....police officer....going above and beyond.
Citizen ran out of gas.
Officer coming to her aid.
Gas can in hand.
Thank you, Sir.
This is our little dog, Dusty Roads.
Havanesse have physical issues. Bad heart, leaky eyes and bad hips. This breed is suppose to breed out the issues and make a stronger breed.
He is named after Dusty Rhodes the wrestler.
More to this story but it will come later.
This is a new thing to my blog.
I will be posting just a picture of somethings I see in the world.
This is the first:
What is America?
A republic?
: a country that is governed by elected representatives and by an elected leader (such as a president) rather than by a king or queen - copied
or a democracy?
: an organization or situation in which everyone is treated equally and has equal rights.
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America
and to the
for which it stands,
one nation, under God, indivisible
with liberty and justice
for all.
Now you know.💪
This guy:.....The Hulk.....
turns 13 years old today!!!
Riley....you are the one that made me a Grammy!
I loved you before I met you. I loved you when I met you and I love you more today than that day!
You are a blessing to our family and a kind young man.
Prayers and blessings to YOU!
Happy 13th Birthday!
One of our cheapest places to eat, in our little town, is Huddle House. We went there for supper tonight with a coupon.
Two things we heard:
The Cook was asked, by a waitress, how are you?
His reply....
I can't complain but I'm going to anyway!!!
A bit later, a regular customer walked in and was asked, by a different waitress, how are you?
His reply....
I was good but I got over it!!!
We had a good giggle.
These may be good replies when you really don't want to say 'fine'.
Happy New Year, Everyone!
Start it with a smile!