Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Blogging is an interesting hobby.

It takes you places you may not understand.

I, with all diligence, intended to plunge in with both feet and stick to it.

But, no, didn't happen.

Our oldest child, Aaron, died on March 6, 2016.

Yes, it is almost two years ago but how can that be?

He is missed every minute of every day.

Only if you have experienced child loss, can you understand the pain.

I've been in a deep hole of depression.  

No desire to do, go, or accomplish any thing.

I'm not whining.  It's just what it is.

So, I went to my Doc.  He is sending me for a physical to see what all is up with me.

I appreciate him.

He doesn't just want to 'start throwing medicine' at me without checking me out first.

I hope it's good news.

Life is hard and anyone that says it is not.

Well they are just wrong.


All the blood work and heart tests came back good and within normal ranges.  The old ticker is ticking great.....all four chambers!