Saturday, December 30, 2017


The internet is a great distraction.

Currently fixating on tiny houses.  

This one is nice.


Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Dear Aaron,
This is the first Christmas we have spent without you being in our home.  Everyone was here but you.
Little did I know that last year, it would only be a few weeks before you would be gone for every Christmas.
My heart is literally crumbling.  The day was so hard.  I made it through without crying but didn't the next.  Today is even worse.  Tears are coming and I cannot stop them.
Every one is gone.  Malinda and the kids.  Angela and her family.  Jared and his wife.  The sadness is overwhelming.  I've done almost nothing these past days. 
When Malinda and the kids were here, without you, it was so hard to see the three of them.  They are all so sad.  Sad living alone without their Daddy and husband. 
It still does not make sense to me.
Yes, I still believe in God.
I still know it is part of His plan.
Still, the part I do not understand is why you were so sick, suffered and died when we prayed so hard for healing.
 Why you died!  Why?!
You were and are still needed here.
You were still loved.
You were a good person.
2 and 2 will never make 4 again.
Love to you Son,
Your Mom

Friday, December 15, 2017


Well, the dem/liberal won.  It is suspicious because the polls apparently closed a few minutes early. 

The military vote has yet to be counted.  Right?

There were over 20,000 write in votes, about the number the dem/liberal won by in the end.

What idiots.  NEVER write in a candidate, it is a waste of your vote.  How you feeling btw?

I, as a believer, trusting in Christ, can NOT vote for any candidate that is pro abortion!  

Yes, I am now a one issue voter.  

Go to youtube and watch the abortion videos.  



Tuesday, December 12, 2017


.. tired of politics these days. Roy Moore is against abortion, for the Ten Commandments and he is the

bad guy? It's okay for Bill Clinton to do his thing but it's impeachment for Trump?! (Waiting for the DNA

on the blue dress. Put the women under oath, please. No? how about that....) Today the local voting

place was as busy as for the prez it seemed. I asked the lady if it was busy today....she YES!....Me....I

think people are MAD., too. PLUS we are suppose to believe the Long Island Medium

didn't see the breakup of her own marriage coming?! Pretty much sums up my day. Plus, the new

AC/Heater is in and working. 



Sunday, December 10, 2017


What a life!  Is everyone's life as crazy as our life?

Yesterday, we smelled something burning in the attic.  

The husband quickly turned the unit off. 

A serviceman was called.  He arrived about 3 ish.

When he and the manager had both been in the attic, they both was a good thing you were home.

Yes, the unit had started burning.

Yes, the house stinks.

Yes, we are now getting a replacement for it AND the AC.

So, guess having a twenty year old unit, for twenty years, we indeed got our money's worth.

The new units are to be energy efficient.  So, I will have a new post on how to save money on utilities.

Shaking head.


Saturday, December 2, 2017


The Internet is like a magic carpet, isn't it?!  Type whatever in, click enter and off you go!

It is a dangerous place to be, too, but I avoid any sites that are evil or tempting.

I go for things like this on the's fun, free and inspiring:


Friday, December 1, 2017


I'm thinking about writing an E-Book and posting it on Amazon.

It is pretty easy to get started and it is an ongoing source of cash.

Lots of cash or little bit of cash, depending on how the book is purchased.

My problem is the subject matter.

My head is bouncing around a few subjects.  

It's just a matter of which one which to do first.

Well look at that....another way to make money....for this blog.
