I still feel as though I am in a fog. Our first born son is gone. The thing that is so very difficult is the future.
Never another phone call....
Never another hug.....
Never another fuss.....
Never another whatever.....
Try to imagine your adult child being gone from your life. It's a horrible thing.
Years ago, my brother and his wife lost a baby girl to open heart surgery. There was a 98% chance of survival. She didn't. She was in the 2%.
They went to Kinder Mourn for counseling, I think that was the name of the organization. They were told then that the hard thing about loosing a child is loosing the future.
Now, I find that is true, in spite of the fact that our son lived to be 45 years old, it's too soon, too not right and yes, we have lost his future, too.
He will not teach his son to drive a car. He will not walk his daughter down the aisle in her wedding. He and his wife will no longer celebrate another wedding anniversary together. He will not have another birthday, or Christmas, or Thanksgiving.
It's too soon to loose him.
I thought he/we had more time......