Freebies are great. I love something free!
Last week was the Relay for Life walk in our little town. During the week, we were privileged to attend the survivors dinner, held each year at the local Methodist church. They have a beautiful family life center and graciously host the dinner each year for the last several years.
The dinner for the survivors and one guest is, you got it, free. We are given a t-shirt to wear at the Relay for Life usually held the Friday after the Monday of the same week of the dinner. Free.
This year, I won a door prize. It was a nice canvas box with family movie night goodies, including a movie. There was gourmet chocolate popcorn, microwave popcorn, two different kinds of popcorn seasoning, four can Cokes, movie sized boxes of candy, plastic boxes shaped like a popcorn bag, etc. We devoured it over the weekend. Free. One year I won the beautiful center piece at the table I was sitting, purchased by a friend who is also a survivor. Free.
Entertainment at the walk is also free. The GRANDS were able to enjoy the bumper slides before the official start of the walk. Free. Music at the walk was also free but was hampered due to speaker problems. Still we were able to sing before the walk, walk to recorded music and I requested the song The Lion Sleeps Tonight for the GRANDS. They love the song because they jump, play and dance while it is singing away. Free.
Memories. Free.
At church, we were given a prayer journal for Mother's Day. Free.
Our Daughter, SIL and our GRAND daughter gave me a beautiful pink vase for Mother's Day. It's huge and I love it! Something I would never buy for myself but they did. Free to me.
The younger Son and his new Bride are in the process of painting a picture for me. Excited to see it but being patient.
A long time friend, Dinah of Diary of a Not So Mad Housewife blog, sent me a lovely pocket letter. Free. She did a great job on it. I will ask and see if I can post pictures of it.
Years ago, we were able to get the younger son a full mattress because he was grown. We had some heavy wood given to us. Free. The Hubbie made a mattress size box and the mattress went on top. Free. Now, years later, he is using the wood to make his new Bride a desk. Memory. Free.
This blog is free.
The wonderful rain we had today. Free.
Sunshine and fresh air. Free.
So, although not many things in life seem to be totally free, I certainly enjoy the ones that are!!! Freebies seem to make life sweeter. Why? Cuz its free.