Thursday, November 6, 2014


Wednesday is grocery shopping day for me.  Yesterday, I shopped at the near by Publix.  I purchased what I saw I needed for the week and a bit beyond on some items because of their bogo items.

The total bill was $29.66 AFTER vendor coupons, Publix store coupons and my Senior Citizen discount of 5%.  The savings, aka money I did not spend, was $37.57!!  

It's been a while since this has happened.  Coupons are not what they use to be.  I think the show Extreme Coupons ruined it.  Still I read recently where over a billion dollars of coupons are still thrown away each year.  

Groceries are ridiculous in price!  Also in value for some products.  

My rant.

Still smiling.


Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Here it is Tuesday and it's been a long time since I've posted a money saving tip.  Today is the day.
As I have posted before, we no longer have a huge cell phone bill.  We were paying $80 for 3 lines with limits. 
One day, through his Dad's asking, we went on the oldest son's family plan.  It immediately started saving us money, real money.
Well, we both had stupid phones for several years. 
Now, moving into the modern world, we now have smart phones.  We purchased the phone, stayed on the son's family plan and are still paying $10 per month for both lines!  We have unlimited data, text, etc.  The plan is thru T-Mobile.  There are four lines for $100 per month.  The older son continues to pay the amount he was and we continue paying the $10 but now we ALL have up to date phones with all the bells, whistles and apps.
I love using some of the FREE apps on my new Android.  My new favorite is loseit dot com.  It is a weight losing app and it is FREE. 
I was pretty desperate about losing weight.  Health problems were happening, a trip to the cardiologist was eye opening and knee pain.
I was so desperate I was considering going to Weight Watchers even!  Yes, I am a lifer.  When I went I paid $4 per week.  When I became a lifer, it dropped down to $3 per week.  So, the current cost of $13 per class was out of my budget, way, way, out.
I download this FREE app from loseit dot com, use it every day and am now on my way back to finding me.  Saving over $600 per year in Weight Watchers dues!


Women are emotional beings.  No doubt about it.  It's part of who we are.  We cry when we're happy, when we're sad, when we're mad, when we are lonely, when we're frightened.  It's what we do.  We can do it and get away with it.  Men do not have that option.
There are days a woman feels like crying.
It's okay.
Today and any day.

Monday, November 3, 2014


It's been a bit, hasn't it?!  I made a poem.
My life continues to be busy.  Yes, I checked at the gym in hopes of joining.  Couldn't because it doesn't take cash!  Well there you go!
Lots has happened in these last months.  Too much to even blog about.  Life is a chair of bowlies.  Remember that post? 
The two GRAND girls have both turned the big 0-4.  The oldest GRAND son will be in the big 0-6 in January. 
Have yet to figure out how to raise a couple million dollars, the more the better but I could work with at least a couple.
Now it's time to decide which direction we head, this little blog and me, myself and I.