Friday, August 30, 2013


The Senior Class at our local school is having a yard sale to make money for their senior trip next year.  Donations were requested so I started pulling stuff from the house.  It was a good thing. 
When the students showed up with a truck and trailer, they filled up the bed of the truck and put part of a recliner on the trailer. 
I felt better knowing I had donated stuff that would actually have a chance to sell and not a bunch of junk aka trash.
There is extra room in all of the closets, more room in the master bedroom and more room in the garage.  It's a good feeling with less stuff to dust, clean and store!

Thursday, August 29, 2013


I actually saved money picking up a few things at Kroger today.  The receipt said I saved 54%.  I spent $9 and change, saved $10 and change. 
The thing I do like about Kroger is you have a shopper card.  If you scan it, the company will send you coupons for the things you buy regularly.  Today I had coupons for free Hebrew Hot Dogs, free Colgate toothpaste, cents off frozen bread dough, cents off of a few other purchases, too. 
Kroger is no longer my main grocery store.  I use it more like a 7-11.  I go through the self checkout, no dealing with employees, on my way fast!


Wednesday, August 28, 2013


I goofed on the post from yesterday, bragging about Wallie World. 
My actual purchase was $1.66.
Should have looked at the receipt better and remembered better.  I had the cashier pull the shave cream because my coupon was for 2 when I purchased 1.  It was $2.44 and that is the number I looked at before I started typing. 
Silly me!
Deal and deal!  Yahoo!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Years ago, when we moved to Springfield, Mo., to go to Bible College, we discovered a wonderful 'new' place to shop.  It was a place called Wal-Mart.  Back then, the only stores were the small ones but they were packed with all kinds of bargains! 
There was even a very nice fabric department, remember those?  Sam Walton is probably spinning in his grave at the sight of what has happened to his business.  Yes, it is the largest employer in the USA and maybe even the world.  I do not have any stats on that part.  He may be pleased.  Some of his customers, not so much.
When Sam was dying, the story goes that he was in the top ten richest people in the country.  He called in his four children, split up the company and they became part of the top ten of the richest people in the country.  Does that give you an idea how much money they made?!
Well, many things have changed with Wallie World.  Seems there is one in every town.  When we moved to Missouri, there were three on one street back then.  It was a long street but there were really three Wal-Marts on one street. 
I said all that to say this, Wal-Mart is still a great place to shop for bargains.  Coupons are accepted, which makes it a good deal for us couponers.

Today, I stopped in to use some of my coupons.  I purchased:

Four packs of Bic Pens....FREE with coupons
Three bananas
One spiral notebook on clearance....half price....seventy five cents
One four pack of small spiral note pads.....fifty cents
The total cost for all of this, including tax, was $2.44.

Monday, August 26, 2013


Ebay is in my life again or should I say it the other way around.  This week I posted about 7 things and none sold, so far.
I know people make money on Ebay but I am not one of them.  I do have several things to post for SIL and a few things for me that will probably sell.
Time will tell.

Friday, August 23, 2013


Well, the number one GRAND son is visiting for a few days.  We plan more than we can do, of course.  He is such a good little guy although not so little any more.  He plays with his Uncle JJ's Hot Wheel cars from the nineties for hours.  Reminds me of his Daddy. 
Hope to have a new picture to post but busy now.  We're booked up having fun. 
Love the little guy!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


From Pinterest, of course.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Today is Tuesday and is suppose to be the day I give a money saving tip.  This one is a bit different but could save you thousands of dollars.

We live one street over from a very tiny creek.  It is probably six feet below a huge bank and is maybe ten inches wide when at it's normal stage.  Recently, our area had a huge rain storm.  It was the kind that had buckets coming down not sprinkles. 

The tiny creek became a raging river, flash flood.  It flooded the street over from us and two more up from us.  Our house is on a slight hill so we have never been threatened. 

Here are the pictures, taken this week, maybe two months after the flash flood.

This is taken from my car window.  The creek is probably six feet below the green grass line.

This picture shows the foliage smashed from the pressure.


This picture shows the debris that washed away after flooding the yard closest to the creek and the one over. 
So, the money saving hint.....never live close to water without being on a hill or stilts or something. 
I wonder if they had flood insurance?  Maybe, maybe not. 

Monday, August 19, 2013


She saw....she conquered....she walked.....or should I say.....strolled, dahling, strolled.....big grin!
So proud of our daughter and all she has accomplished!


Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Life is great.  

One big laugh.  

This one is for the world to enjoy!


Tuesday, August 6, 2013


This has been such a crazy week that I forgot all about blogging.  Strange, I know, but it really did happen.
Saturday, we found out our pastor is leaving to take a position on staff at a much larger church in another state, his home state, TN.  It is a step up for him, definitely.
Sunday I did okay but lost it when one of the deacons came by, shook my hand, didn't say a word and looked like he had been crying.   I couldn't look at our pastor during the sermon.  I left like a rocket after the closing prayer because I didn't want to stand around and blubber.
During about 24 hours, I went through all of these emotions:
1 - shock
2 - sadness
3 - depression
4 - anger
5 - acceptance
Yes, I was shocked but have felt for several years that he would be on staff at that church someday but to replace the Senior Pastor.  It may happen still.
Yes, sadness because a loss of relationships causes sadness most of the time ALTHOUH some loss of relationships is one big huge relief.  Sadness because I was trying really hard to trust another pastor.  Now I think, why bother?  Bum attitude.
Yes, depression, not spiritual, I know, but hey, depression is a part of life, even in Bible people.
Yes, anger, at men, why does our church have to be messed up to make a bigger church
Yes, acceptance, why be upset, nothing little old me can do about it anyway.  He and his family are going to leave no matter what so deal with it, girl, talking to self.
For quite awhile now, I have told The Hubbie I wanted to go live on an island.  Saturday, in the car, I was moving my hands like a hula girl.  What is that?  I said, you ready to go live on that island? 
The money we have wouldn't buy an island, maybe a row boat, wonder if we could live in a row boat?
Life hurts.