This actually happened yesterday. I was leaving the local CVS when a lady, age unknown but older than me, I think, was walking from her car to the store. All of a sudden the wind blew a pretty good puff and all of the papers she was carrying in her hands went flying. The papers were bank deposit slips and money, cash money.
Her first response, you ask? Quote: Oh Dear Jesus, God in Heaven, help me, whatever am I going to do? Needless to say, she was panicked.
I started trying to help catch the air borne papers. It was one of the situations where you take a step and the paper blows a bit further away, take another step, whoosh there it goes further. Noticed to my right, my local primary physician walking from his car to the store, too, started helping retrieve the stuff.
Meanwhile the lady kept praying out loud, Oh, Dear God in Heaven, Help me, whatever am I going to do? I am a waitress and I need Jesus to help me.
Well, her prayers were answered. Between the three of us, all of her money, deposit slips and eye glasses were rescued.
She was very appreciative and walked away saying, Thank you, Jesus, thank you, Jesus.
Some days are specific, focused, determined good deeds, others, very spontaneous, like a gust of wind, also very funny, guess you had to be there......
Time to shift gears, move forward, take life out of park...a blog for Empty Nesters, Stay @ Home Moms, Dads,, breathing, trying to save money, enjoying life...time to change the focus keep the slippers...welcome one and all.

Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Since Wordless Wednesday seems to be the norm for many bloggers, I'm going for WORD WEDNESDAY. I will post something with words in it, brilliant, agreed? Here is a fortune from a fortune cookie recently: Time heals all wounds. Keep your chin up.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
As you know, if you read this little blog, I am a long time money saver, pincher, not have much of it, woman. I receive several emails, weekly, on how to live on a budget. The problem is, that I have done most of them for all of our married life, no new news, as they say. So here is a common sense money tip for this Tuesday, never spend more money than you have. You are welcome.
Monday, October 25, 2010

It's finally Fall in Dixie although it was 80 degrees outside today and the air conditioning was running. This is the kitchen table. It is decorated with place mats that I bought at the big WM in TN for $.75 a few years ago. Originally I think they were 5.96 each but on clearance. The first time I saw them, I wanted them but could not justify paying that price! But on clearance I bought several and use them every year. The copper tea put belonged to my mother in law. The yellow ceramic booties I purchased online from an Etsy shop. I had the artificial flowers in a small pot, tried them in the teapot and they fit perfectly. I have the lid to the pot but did not use it since the flowers worked. Our table and chairs were a gift from a church where my husband was on staff in the 1970s.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Sometimes life is very hard, other times, not so hard, rarely does it seem that things are going so very right. Everywhere we look, our life is going really great. Things are going so good that we are afraid to close our eyes because when we open them again, something might be wrong. This only makes sense to me because I'm the one saying it, anyway, it's the way we feel at this point, really.
The Hubbie has retired from the job he has had for many years, a good job with a company that has been good to him, but also was 'killing' him. He had long hours in the heat and in the cold, standing on concrete for 10 or more a day, driving a long commute 45 minutes plus twice a day, 5 days a week. He is working another job at a local elementary school, which means he has all of the holidays off, a week at Tgiving, many days at Christmas, summers off, etc. His insurance is now less than $300 a month, a huge drop from paying over $750 a month, really.
Our Daughter and SIL are buying a new house plus his job has suddenly become a much better job, meaning much stress has been removed, permanently, yippee. She is working on a PhD, really.
Our young Son has a job he really likes, is making plans to finish college and go for a Masters, really.
Our older Son and DIL have become parents again, this time a baby girl. Our DIL is doing very well after her second csection in 21 months, really.
We are receiving our social security checks, meaning we are now socially secure, yes, I'm joking, really.
We have a church that we love attending, a pastor that is kind and real, really.
I started to make a list of everything that I feel is going good but realized it might be boring to others, really.
We are not rich. We do not have a pension but we are happy and at a better place than we ever thought we would be at this time in our lives, really.
So, I just wanted to say that life is good, really, really, really is good.
The Hubbie has retired from the job he has had for many years, a good job with a company that has been good to him, but also was 'killing' him. He had long hours in the heat and in the cold, standing on concrete for 10 or more a day, driving a long commute 45 minutes plus twice a day, 5 days a week. He is working another job at a local elementary school, which means he has all of the holidays off, a week at Tgiving, many days at Christmas, summers off, etc. His insurance is now less than $300 a month, a huge drop from paying over $750 a month, really.
Our Daughter and SIL are buying a new house plus his job has suddenly become a much better job, meaning much stress has been removed, permanently, yippee. She is working on a PhD, really.
Our young Son has a job he really likes, is making plans to finish college and go for a Masters, really.
Our older Son and DIL have become parents again, this time a baby girl. Our DIL is doing very well after her second csection in 21 months, really.
We are receiving our social security checks, meaning we are now socially secure, yes, I'm joking, really.
We have a church that we love attending, a pastor that is kind and real, really.
I started to make a list of everything that I feel is going good but realized it might be boring to others, really.
We are not rich. We do not have a pension but we are happy and at a better place than we ever thought we would be at this time in our lives, really.
So, I just wanted to say that life is good, really, really, really is good.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010

This is the latest and maybe the best deal EVER that I have been able to do with coupons.
I purchased 20 L'OREAL $2.00 manufacturer coupons from for $1.15, American dollars. Our local RiteAid has discontinued this brand, has bins of makeup marked down to, you guessed it, $2.00. I purchased 19 (one item was in the bin but not reduced so I put it back) different items, some were originally $15.25 EACH others were $17.00, for....ready....drum roll please....$3.42.
The $3.42 was for tax.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
History was made today, did you watch?
33 miners were rescued from a tomb of living men.
The world celebrates with Chile!
We pray now that these men will live as though they have been given a second life because they have.
33 miners were rescued from a tomb of living men.
The world celebrates with Chile!
We pray now that these men will live as though they have been given a second life because they have.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
This is a website that I learned about in the coupon class from a couple of weeks ago. It's
I bought several coupons that I normally use.
Only spent $6.85 for 120 coupons. No s&h or postage for purchase over $5.
Here's what I ordered:
20 .55 off 2 Martha White muffin mix - 1.15 for all
20 .50 off 2 Fiber One chewy bars - 1.10 for all
20 .35 off Hillshire Farm deli selects lunch meat - 1.00 for all
20 2.50 off Breathe Right product - 1.15 for all
20 .75 off Sara Lee pre sliced meat - 1.15 for all
20 1.00 off 2 Kellog's Special K - 1.30 - for all
We will not eat that much lunch meat but I have a neighbor who homeschools her kids and they eat sandwiches for lunch everyday so I'm going to share with her. The website had 440+ different coupons for purchase. They arrive in a white envelope, all stacked together, and cut out!!! Ordered them on the web, shipped in 24 hours. The website even posts the expire dates so you don't order coupons that are worthless.
I bought several coupons that I normally use.
Only spent $6.85 for 120 coupons. No s&h or postage for purchase over $5.
Here's what I ordered:
20 .55 off 2 Martha White muffin mix - 1.15 for all
20 .50 off 2 Fiber One chewy bars - 1.10 for all
20 .35 off Hillshire Farm deli selects lunch meat - 1.00 for all
20 2.50 off Breathe Right product - 1.15 for all
20 .75 off Sara Lee pre sliced meat - 1.15 for all
20 1.00 off 2 Kellog's Special K - 1.30 - for all
We will not eat that much lunch meat but I have a neighbor who homeschools her kids and they eat sandwiches for lunch everyday so I'm going to share with her. The website had 440+ different coupons for purchase. They arrive in a white envelope, all stacked together, and cut out!!! Ordered them on the web, shipped in 24 hours. The website even posts the expire dates so you don't order coupons that are worthless.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
The GRAND has turned into a sweet little kisser. He kisses everything from grandpa to pumpkins to grandma to the cell phone when he's talking to Momma and Dada. So sweet and loving. Sure he has to be told no, kept from doing things that may hurt him but still he's a joy to have around.
He loves to eat, play and go for walks with grandpa. We hope he always does, for as long as we are on this earth.
GRAND he is, in more ways than one!
He loves to eat, play and go for walks with grandpa. We hope he always does, for as long as we are on this earth.
GRAND he is, in more ways than one!
Friday, October 8, 2010
There is a huge oversized cardboard star hanging from our bedroom ceiling fan.
There are diapers in the trash cans, inside and out, you guess which are where.
There is a sweet cuddled up little boy in our big bed.
Guess who came to dinner?
God is good and so are his parents for sharing him with us, wonderfully tired we be.
Good night.
There are diapers in the trash cans, inside and out, you guess which are where.
There is a sweet cuddled up little boy in our big bed.
Guess who came to dinner?
God is good and so are his parents for sharing him with us, wonderfully tired we be.
Good night.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
It's beginning to look too much like Christmas in September!!
This picture was taken last month in a local craft store, yep, September and it looks like Christmas everywhere, trees up, wreathes hung, ornaments everywhere but it's still hot weather in Dixie in September.
Now that the weather is cooler and it's October, I wonder how many more stores have the halls decked with holly and a whole lot more?
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Strange date to you? Nope, not to me. It's the young son's 24th birthday. Happy Birthday! I Love You, Mom
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Today is Saturday, sweet time, time to post a recipe out of my 43 year collection, nope. Today we, The Hubbie and myself, met the younger son and his little girlfriend for lunch for his happy birthday. He will be 24 Tuesday, really, is that possible?
I be sitting here watching college football on TV, Alabama and Florida, with Florida getting whipped up on, all over their blue selves. The Hubbie is enjoying the game, me not so much, a sports lover I am not.
So, I'm sitting here, thinking of all the things I need to get done. Here is a short list, it's as boring as football on TV.
Clean out closets, keep only half of all of the stuff pulled out
Call the doctor on Monday to see about a whopping cough shot, new GRAND coming
Go to WM, use coupons, save money
Finish the garage, still dejunking, summer is over, temps are cooler, yeah
Start wrapping Christmas presents
Kitchen curtains, sew em up
Other sewing, easy stuff
Start fall housecleaning, yawn
Start walking, double yawn
What else? Blank.
I be sitting here watching college football on TV, Alabama and Florida, with Florida getting whipped up on, all over their blue selves. The Hubbie is enjoying the game, me not so much, a sports lover I am not.
So, I'm sitting here, thinking of all the things I need to get done. Here is a short list, it's as boring as football on TV.
Clean out closets, keep only half of all of the stuff pulled out
Call the doctor on Monday to see about a whopping cough shot, new GRAND coming
Go to WM, use coupons, save money
Finish the garage, still dejunking, summer is over, temps are cooler, yeah
Start wrapping Christmas presents
Kitchen curtains, sew em up
Other sewing, easy stuff
Start fall housecleaning, yawn
Start walking, double yawn
What else? Blank.
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